Thank you all!

Monday, December 26, 2016 No comments
As I sit here reflecting the day after our festivities, I can't help but be grateful for my wonderful school family.  Your kindness this holiday season is much appreciated.   I cannot wait to go to Dermistique and use my gift card.  What a perfect treat for our break!  And the teachers pay teachers gift card is amazing!  I am so excited to pick out some great things for our kids to use!  I've got lots of ideas already.  I received so many kind gifts from you and your families.  I am overwhelmed by your generosities this year.  You all have made my first year at Beulah one to remember.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Here are a few pictures from our last day of 2016! 

A Week of Traditions... and some other fun too!

Sunday, December 18, 2016 No comments

Our week of traditions continues!  We learned about Kwanzaa and made Kwanzaa mats using geometric shapes.  

We continued hearing about all our friends family traditions at home!

This friend gets a new ornament each year!
This friend has an advent calendar.  Each day in December the open a door and reveal a small chocolate.  She even brought a small piece of chocolate for each of our friends too!

 This friend makes cookies with his Mimi and Papa.
This friend helps her family get out all the Christmas decorations and decorate their house.
This friend has an annual viewing of "The Polar Express" complete with snowball fights and yummy treats.
 This friend has an elf named Relf that visits his house every year.  He moves about and does some funny things!
This friend makes gingerbread houses with his family each year.
This friend gets together with family, gives and receives presents, makes candy and Christmas decor, celebrates baby Jesus and goes to church.  They love to be together with their family!
This friend makes Gingerbread houses with his family each year.
Every year this friend makes a new ornament with his family.

We also read some Christmas books and made Christmas trees using our scrap box.  Everyone has enjoyed our fine motor projects this week!  

Congratulations to our December Citizen of the month!  We are proud of you!  

We explored teens!  We learned that the 1 in the teen number actually represents 10.  Each pair got a teen number.  They represented their number using a cube tower and loose ones.  Then we made paper chains using two colors to show the tens and ones!  

It was a pretty great week!  

General Announcements:
  • I hope everyone made it home safe and sound and are enjoying a cozy weekend indoors.  Thank you for your patience on Friday as we figured out the safest way to get our kids home.  We definitely enjoyed our extra after school time together.  :)
  • Our winter party will be on December 20th at 2:30.  Thanks to all who are helping to make it fabulous!  
  • Winter break begins on December 21st.  
  • There will be no weekly checklist on Tuesday.  I will keep our take home folders at school.  If you would like to keep reading over the break I can send home an extra reading log that we can add to the official one.