Fancy Day Fun

Sunday, November 26, 2017 No comments

Our friend's feast was a huge success!  I absolutely loved seeing all the kids dressed in their best clothes.  They were so proud of their outfits when they came in.  You would not believe how well behaved our kiddos were.  The came in, sat down at their table, ordered their food and used impeccable manners while they ate.  It was a sight to see.  I heard lots of wonderful comments about Wright's Restaurant.  Many of them said it was the best restaurant they've been to and that they'd like to come again.  Our servers did a great job taking care of their section and the kitchen was quick.  Thank you so much to all those that sent food and came in to help make this event special.  I think this will be a day they remember for a long time to come.

We're so fancy!

Or are we...

Every morning we greet each other.  This morning we thought a proper handshake was in order since we were so dressed up.  

 Making turkeys out of pattern blocks

Happy Birthday Friend! Thanks for sharing treats! 

Playing Roll a Turkey

 These two belong in a magazine!

 Wright's Restaurant
We had excellent mood lighting so the pictures aren't the best quality.  

We ordered off menus.
 The service was fantastic.

We had special place mats.  Check out the cute waters too!

 This was our special for the day.

 It was a wonderful occasion!

In the next few weeks we will be learning about holiday traditions.  If you haven't already done so, please take a minute to fill out this quick survey about your family's December traditions. 

Dates to Remember:  
  • December 1 - Picture Retakes (for real this time:)
  • December 21 - Winter Party 2:20 - 3:00
  • December 22 - January 3 - No School Winter Break

A full five days!

Friday, November 17, 2017 No comments
We had an eventful five day week!  Seems like forever since we've been here a full five days. Thank you so much to all the families that were able to join us for our Heroes day celebration.  It sure was a fantastic assembly and we loved reading and sharing our math game with those that could come. 

Learning Objectives:
Reading:  Retelling a story in the order that it happened.  
Fundations:  Letter name and sound z, q, all words have a vowel (This was really a happy surprise for them.  It was very cute.)
Writing:  Adding more details about one topic
Math:  Counting, Attributes of shapes, sorting shapes by attribute
Character Learning:  Manners 
Our Wonderful Assembly!
 Thank you to all the families who came to read and play math games with us.

 Having fun on a beautiful day.

 Sorting shapes by attribute

Our weekly poem.  We sure had some awesome turkeys! 

Device day was a hit!  Everyone enjoyed some free time to play games.

 We had shapes in this covered box.  The kids had to reach in and find a shape without looking thinking about the attributes.  They thought this was pretty cool.

 Working on writing

 Here is our special me for the week.  We sure think he's pretty great!

Here is last week's special me.  We love her too! 

Next week is our friends feast.  Thank you to all those that signed up to send something.  You can send it to the office the day of the event.  I will take lots of pictures so you can see how our fancy restaurant turns out.  Since we will be participating in some fine dining, your child is invited to dress up for the occasion in dress clothes or their favorite outfit.  We did this last year and it was adorable to see how fancy everyone got. 

Thank you so much to all the families and grandparents that donated books to our classroom library!  I am overwhelmed with gratitude!  We have them in a pile at the front of our classroom and are choosing one or two at random each time we do a read aloud.  The kids are so excited to hear the books that they donated.  We even made a place in our library just for donated books so they can read them during daily 5 rotation time and find them quickly.  

Things to Remember:
  • November 21 - Fancy day & Friend's Feast
  • November 22-24 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
  • December 1 - Picture Retakes (for real this time:)
  • December 21 - Winter Party 2:20 - 3:00
  • December 22 - January 3 - No School Winter Break