
Monday, November 5, 2018
November is upon us.  The kids and I put our calendar together for this month.  As we put on the "no school days" one of our kids mentioned that we have 15 no school days this month.  Between weekends, Thanksgiving and work days for conferences this month will fly.  We have lots of important things happening this month.  Please check your child's Friday Folder for your conference time.  This month we will be learning about using manners.  We will practice this learning at a special friends feast on November 20.  We will dress in fancy clothes and attend the fancy restaurant called, "Wright's Restaurant".  It is a really fun time for the kids to use their manners and enjoy each others company.  I am looking for some help to be able to pull this off.  We will need food for our restaurant and five servers.  I do limit this to only adults as I want the kids to focus on each other and practice their restaurant manners.  They will be all ready for your family feasts if you have them!   Click on this link for more information and to sign up. 

Here are our learning objectives for the week:

Reading:  Predicting, identifying sight words
Writing:  Stretching out words nd writing the sounds that we hear
Math:  Number formation, comparing length, multiple ways to make one number
Fundations, Letter name, sound & formation l, k, j (k is really tough, there is a practice sheet in the Friday Folder.Social Skills:  Raising our hand to share thinking and keeping our thinking in our head until called on.  

Here is our week in pictures:  

Comparing Length

 Stretching out words to write.  We use our ABC chart to help us do this.  We keep these in our writing folder.  You can see this friend has it handy to use when he needs it.  

Mr. Moody came to share a felt board story with us on Halloween!

Practicing number writing and counting with play-dough and pumpkin mats.

Here is one students work showing ways to make 8.

Enjoying the cold day on the playground!

 We learned that good readers make mental images while they read to help them understand what is happening in the story.  Here are a few of our mental images of this weeks poem.

 On Fridays we buddy read.  

We had our first special me this week!  Here he is answering questions from our friends.

Things to remember:
  • Don't forget to send a snack each day.  If you would like to send a box of snacks for your child, we can keep it in the top of their cubby. 
  • November 9 - Heroes Day 
  • November 12 - Conferences 3:45 - 7:45
  • November 13 - Picture Retake Day
  • November 15 - Dress to Impress Day
  • November 15 - Conferences 3:45 - 7:45
  • November 20 - Friends Feast/Fancy Day 
  • November 21, 22, 23 - No School Thanksgiving Break

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