Hooray for the Pumpkin Patch!

Friday, October 18, 2019
We were so lucky to get to reschedule our field trip.  We could not have had better weather.  The sun was shining and it was warm enough to take our coats off.  We fed the animals, took a hayride, went through a straw maze and played in a corn crib. Thank you to all our wonderful parent volunteers that  helped with our trip.

Please check the Friday folder for parent teacher conference notes.  Conferences are coming up and we'd like to get you schedule.  Let me know a good time that works for you. 

This weeks objectives:
Reading: sight words can, see, finding words in text, 1-1 matching. We got reading group books this week!  The focus for each group was using the picture as a clue to knowing what the words say. 
Writing: writing a basic to tell about something we did 
Math: Solving story problems, counting
Fundations: letter ID, sound, formation p,j

Our week in pictures:
And we're off!

Our Fundations letters for the week.

Solving story problems

Check out this awesome work!

Happy birthday Friend!  Thanks for sharing treats!

We had an earth quake drill this week.

Here's our poem for the week.

Making fire trucks

They turned out pretty cute!

PJ day!

Things to remember:
  • October 21 - Dental Clinic
  • October 30 - Class Parties 2:30
  • October 31 - No School Teacher Work Day
  • November 1 - No School Teacher Work Day

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