Field Day and Field trip and talent show oh my!

Saturday, May 18, 2019
This week is a picture blog!  It was busy! Also they uploaded in reverse chronological order.  I figure you guys don't mind.  :)

 Mother's Day/Father's Day/Caregiver Projects.  These truly were a labor of love.  These kids put all their hearts into the colors and patterns that they chose.  It took us two weeks to bring these creations to life and they are gorgeous.  I hope you treasure them!  I saved these from last week as to not ruin the surprise.

Field day fun!

Bethel Park

Columbia Manor (or Manners as we call it)

Learning about tens and ones

Talent show!

They made robots

Practicing for our concert

Show and Tell

Our gifts for the residents at Columbia Manor

Our week was busy and filled with super fun stuff.  Much of what we did was not in our normal routine.  Next week will be the same.  As the year comes to a close we will be working on saying goodbye to our little community that we have built.  At the beginning of the year the room was bare.  They helped add so many wonderful things to the walls.  Now this week, they will help me take it down as a way to develop closure.  We will do lots of activities to celebrate how far we've come and appreciate each other as we go on to our new adventures.  

With a change in the routine can come a change in behavior.  Not knowing what's coming allows the kids to let down their guards with the rules.  We've all needed lots of reminders this week to be kind to our friends and "not be a bug".  We even made a chart about how not to bug people and what we should do instead.  We've been a kindergarten family for so long now and I think they are getting like siblings.  If you could remind your kiddos to be kind to their peers and make good choices each day next week that will be helpful.  I will do my best to remind them of what's expected before we start too.  

Things to Remember:

  • May 24th- Kindergarten Celebration & Picnic at 10 am
  • May 28 -Last Day of School - Dismiss at 12:50

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