And we're off!

Friday, September 13, 2019
What a fabulous week!  We are into full swing with our literacy centers.  We spent more time this week on content learning rather than procedural learning and it was awesome!  Many times this week I marveled at how wonderfully they jumped right into to our literacy centers.  They stayed focused and kept their voices at a quiet level even though they were so excited about what they were doing.  This week I was available to support them through the learning activities.  Next week I am going to pull myself away to build independence.  We will learn how to solve problems and what to do when you can't ask a teacher for help.  In a few weeks, I am going to begin pulling small groups of students during literacy center time.  This will allow me to plan for specific instruction that is just right for each group.   
Thank you to all the families that came out for our kindergarten picnic.  It was so wonderful to gather and spend some time getting to know everyone. 

Here are our learning objectives for the week:
Reading:  One to One correspondence, using the picture to figure out the word.  
Writing:  Drawing a picture to tell a story
Math:  Decomposing numbers  (Seeing random assortment of dots and looking for groups to figure out how many there are)
Fundations:  Letter name, sound and formation u, i.  
Science:  Butterfly observation and life cycle

Our week in pictures:

Library fun

This is our fundations student notebook.  We use these to practice tracing the letters the kindergarten way.  Ask your child to show you how we do it! 

Read to self.  During our read to self time we got up to 8 minutes this week!  That's awesome!

We learned how to show five in different ways.  Check out some of our thinking.

This little lovely is leading us in our fundations drills.

Literacy center time!

Ms. Sutton told us a little about herself.  We've got her for three more Wednesdays!

 Thank you Ms Shannon for sharing some monarch caterpillars with us!  We are so excited to watch them grow and change.

Here are some names that we thought might be good for our caterpillars.

Welcome to our classroom...
Captain Underpants and Fluffy! 
We are so excited to witness their metamorphosis!

Today Captain Underpants made a J shape.  He will soon be in a chrysalis!

Fluffy is still eating away getting more and more fluffy.

Check out some of our pictures that tell stories!  
This one is two dragons.  One scratched the other and blew fire!

Here's a story about going to see Beauty and the Beast at Disney.  Can you see the rose?

This is a story about Wild Kratz.  They main characters are in the woods looking for a king Cobra.

Great job friends!  

This friend is sharing her story with our class.  We project it up on our screen so everyone can get a good look.

Kindergarten Picnic

Each Friday we will try to make a craft or a class book.  Crafts help us refine our fine motor skills.  This week we made monarch butterflies!  We've been reading lots of books this week about butterflies.  

Have a great weekend!  

Things to Remember:
  • September 30th-No School-teacher work day 
  • October 1 - Fall Picture Day
  • October 10 - Pumpkin Patch Field Trip. Thank you to all that sent back their permission forms.
  • October 21 - Dental Clinic
  • October 30 - Class Parties 2:30
  • October 31 - No School Teacher Work Day
  • November 1 - No School Teacher Work Day

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